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Explore! Community School Ribbon Cutting

Students, parents, teachers, and the community gathered on Friday, August 2, to officially open the doors to the Explore! Community School in East Nashville.

The mission of Explore! began in 2015 when the school opened with a kindergarten class. They have added one grade each year and are excited to offer kindergarten through 4th grade currently. The middle school will open Fall of 2020 on the same campus. Construction for the elementary portion of the school is complete and students will begin classes in a few days.

The ribbon cutting ceremony offered parents, teachers, administrators, members of the community, and the board of the Martha O’Bryan Center to realize a vision they’ve had for many years. The community is excited to have a safe, expansive, beautiful school for their children to call their own.

R.G. Anderson Company is proud to have completed this job on a very tight deadline. We look forward to continuing the construction on the middle school wing. Completion will be Winter 2019-2020.

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